When the off-gas heating unit GGH was cancelled in the wet off-gas desulfurization technique, it can lower the engineering cost, shorten developments time and save the movement expenses. 取消烟气湿法脱硫工艺技术中的烟气加热装置GGH,能够降低工程成本、缩短脱硫装置建设时间、节省运行费用,同等达到烟气脱硫效果。
Introduces the calculation method of the power station fire fight system design, tally up to use the higher fire fight pressure, smaller tube path can make lower price of the engineering build. 作者介绍了电厂消防系统设计的计算方法,得出了用较高的消防压力、较小的管径可以使工程造价降低的结论。
Besides, the latest progresses of bioengineering focus on the genetic engineering mostly, the lower processing engineering isn t paid enough attention to, but the lower extraction processing engineering constitutes more than 60% of the production cost. 另外生物工程的最新进展大多集中在基因工程方面,下游加工过程则没有得到应有的重视,但是下游提取加工过程往往占据生产成本的60%以上。
When the composite strength grade is lower than C10 and the requirement of engineering period is not pressing, composite of high blend ratio of fly ash can be considered, which will have little influence on its design strength and dramatically reduce the use level of cement. 当混合料强度等级低于C10时,当工程工期要求不是很紧时可以考虑用高粉煤灰掺入比的混合料,这样,既不影响其设计强度,又可以大大的减少水泥用量。
NAIDS is the first data mining based anomaly detection system, the first intrusion detection system which lower false positive rate by classification engineering, the first intrusion detection system which put forward sliding windows techniques to carry out incremental, on-line mining. NAIDS是第一个基于数据挖掘方法的异常检测系统,是第一个通过分类引擎来降低误报率的入侵检测系统,是第一个提出滑动窗口技术实施在线增量式挖掘的入侵检测系统。
Animal clone and the mammary gland bioreactor of transgenic animals are nuclear technique, which can be used to produce gene-pharmaceuticals with characteristics of higher production and efficiency at lower cost than traditional biological engineering pharmacy. 动物克隆及转基因动物乳腺生物反应器是生物工程的核心技术,通过转基因动物乳腺生物发生器生产基因药物比传统的生物工程制药具有产量高、成本低、效价好的特点。
The research result will improve the design method in GanSu, lower the engineering cost, and avoid and reduce the engineering diseases. Besides, it will even play an active role in rode design method of our country. 研究成果对改善甘肃黄土地区的路面设计方法,降低工程造价,避免和减少工程病害,乃至对我国路面设计方法的发展均将发挥积极的作用。
As a cell therapy, it can be used in functional reconstruction of pelvic floor structure and lower urinary tract though cell-based tissue engineering combining gene-transducing technique, which may become a new treatment for SUI. 对于将其作为干细胞联合转基因技术的细胞治疗应用于盆底及尿道的功能重建可能成为治疗女性压力性尿失禁的新方法。
Fly-ash is the most extensive additional material that is applied in concrete, The fly-ash that is added in concrete can not only lower the engineering cost, It is more important to improve the function of concrete. 粉煤灰是当前在混凝土中应用最广泛的外掺料,粉煤灰加入混凝土中不仅降低工程造价,更重要的是能改善混凝土的性能。
The commercial house at middle and lower price is an engineering in order to solve the problems of the rapid rise of house prices and the house difficulties of middle and lower income families, and is a necessary and effective mea-sure to curb the market. 中低价商品房是政府部门为解决房价快速增长、大多数中低收入家庭住房难问题而实行的一项为民利民工程,也是政府部门调控市场的必要和有效措施。
Engineering practice indicates that the additive improves effectively the early stage and standard strength of CSS, which can assure the pile quality, shorten the construction period, lower the engineering cost and reduce the building settlement. 实践表明,该添加剂有效地提高了水泥土的早期强度和标准强度,可保证成桩质量,缩短施工工期,降低工程成本,减小建筑物沉降。
Application of Bearing Lower Tension Rollers and the Value Engineering Analysis 轴承式下胶圈张力辊的应用与价值工程分析
In this paper the problem to lower speed of mechanical engineering drawing with a low or middle scale micro-computer at present is analyzed, and nine measures should be adopted in designing mechanical engineering drawing software. 本文对目前中低档微机绘制机械图速度偏低的问题进行了分析研究,提出了微机绘图软件程序设计中应采取的9项提高速度的措施,并给出了一个绘图实例;
Under the premise of resolving two above-mentioned problems, it can shorten the work period, lower the engineering cost, obtain the best processing effect. 在解决上述两个问题的前提下,还要能够缩短工期,降低工程成本,达到最佳的处理效果。
By comparing with other modeling methods, it is shown that Models in this paper have lower error ratio obviously, satisfy the engineering precision demand, and have application value. 与其他建模方法进行比较可以看出,文中所建回归模型误差明显降低,满足工程精度需要,具有实际应用价值。
Hope to research the Lihe highway engineering company project quality control, help for the changing system lately and strength lower highway engineering companies. 本文希望通过对力和公路工程公司项目质量管理个案研究,对机制转变晚、资质实力较低的公路工程建设企业项目质量管理工作有所帮助。
Here the methods and results Of statistic are described for lower atmospheric ducts in China. Engineering Estimation Method of Interference Due to Atmosphere Dusting 本文简要说明了我们对大气波导的统计方法,并对统计结果作了讨论和分析。微波通信中大气波导干扰的工程估算
In this paper author introduces spot construction of perfusion peg, and how to guarantee the quantity in engineering, how to decrease the artificial expenses and lower the engineering cost. 本文作者介绍了灌注桩现场施工时,如何保证其工程质量,减少人工费用,降低工程成本。
Finishing is a machining to lower surface roughness, to improve mechanics engineering properties and to enhance machining precision including size, shape and location precision. 精整加工是指既要降低表面粗糙度和提高表面层力学机械性质,又要提高加工精度(包括尺寸、形状位置精度)的加工方法。
When the development and construction of oilfields come into the later stage with high water content, how to lower the reformation investment of oilfield ground engineering, and how to realize low cost strategy become difficult and urgent problems of sustainable development. 油田进入高含水后期开发建设后,如何降低油田地面工程改造投资,实现低成本战略,目前已成为大庆油田可持续发展急需解决的一个难题。
The ZHS construction unit persisted with saving investment and using well the funds as the work kernel from earlier stage to completion and took the building super quality and lower investment engineering as target. 昭平水电站的建设,建设单位从前期工作开始直到建成,始终把节约投资,用好资金作为工作的中心,把昭平水电站建成物美价廉的工程是追求的目标。
In order to lower cost of buried pipe engineering, using simulation test installation a filter structure of buried PVC pipe with double partitions and wave vein for water drainage was researched in laboratory. 为降低暗管工程施工成本,在实验室利用模拟实验装置研究了PVC双壁波纹排水暗管的滤水结构。
This text is lower several aspects, such as the engineering cost and cost control contents, processes and the cost control principle, etc. to the construction the cost management of the business enterprise carried on shallow elaborate clearly. 从如何降低工程成本以及成本控制内容、流程、成本控制原则等几方面对施工企业的成本管理进行了浅明地阐述。
It is applied extensively in building, road, railway, water and electricity, port and national defense to expedite the project, alleviate fatigue, increases engineering quality, lower the engineering cost. 它广泛应用于建筑、公路、铁路、水电、港口及国防中,对加快工程建设速度、提高工程质量、降低工程成本都发挥着重要作用。
The pressuremeter test can replace plate loading test of shallow lower foundation in highway engineering. 在进行黄土地区公路工程浅层地基承载力测试时,旁压试验可以取代载荷试验。
Concrete is a kind of brittle material, its tensile strength and tensile strain are lower, in the engineering, tensile or shear need steel and concrete to stand together, in this case, the fiber reinforced concrete came into being. 混凝土是一种脆性材料,其抗拉强度和抗拉应变都较低,在实际工程应用中,往往采用钢筋和混凝土共同作用来承受构件中的拉力或剪力,在这种情况下,纤维混凝土应运而生。
In order to make the design of mechanical products with lighter weight, smaller volume, lower cost and better reliability, engineering technical field is usually required for mechanical parts and mechanical structure optimization design. 为了使设计出的机械产品具有重量轻、体积小、成本低、可靠性好等优点,工程技术领域通常需要对机械零部件和机械结构进行优化设计。
We carried out several studies which have demonstrated that the materials wasting in ropeway design can be decreased. There will have lower engineering cost, easier handling under construction and lessened destruction of environment. 消除人们对索道使用中的担心和忧虑,也可减少索道设计中浪费材料等问题,降低工程建设成本,方便施工,减少对自然环境的破坏。
As a brittle material, it is still difficult to overcome its inherent lower tensile strength in the engineering. 但是,混凝土作为脆性材料,其抗拉性能低仍是工程中一个难题。